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Typology - Risk Assessor

So often we are judged by others. Or maybe the way I perceive it is that I am being judged.

You know that look?

Semi shocked.

Semi confused.

Full eye squint.

It's as though every word that's coming out of my mouth, the other person doesn't quite believe me.

Which very quickly makes me feel as though what I'm saying makes me a 🦄

Recently, I've been trying to shift the way I analyse the situation. #mindfulness

During a supervisory session, one of my sups told me about his spread of risks across the creative industry. I found this to be quite interesting. I've never thought of the necessity of spreading risks or more importantly that in the world of creativity, we (the creative class) are considered risks. In all honestly, it makes perfect sense.

This is when it occurred to me that these look givers (described above) are assessing risks (aka, me. The creative type). This is also when a new typology emerged into my research: Risk Assessor.

Using Sheryl Sandberg's Option B's advice for facing adversity, building resilience and finding joy, I am able to separate these looks. They are neither permanent nor are they personal.

Carrie Bradshaw said it best: I like my money where I can see it . In her case, it's in her closet. In the creative industry, the money (or ROI, return on investment) is intangible and mostly invisible. There are loads of leaps of faith, blind faith, or maybe simply faith needed to ensure what is being invested in (usually money rather than time) will grow, preferably exponentially.

In the case of my PhD?

I get a good amount of Risk Assessors. I will continue to be faced with a lot more Assessors as I progress.


Hopefully will be right were I can see it as well. A tangible solution to help with my community: The Creative Class.

Because we all bring something unique and valuable to the industry.

In Conclusion: It's only understandable to analyse whether the choices we make are risk free or full of risk.

Task: Keep at it.


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