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What would Bourdieu think

I'm not a big fan of hierarchy.

It's not so much because I'm a rebel, rather, I find hierarchy to be archaic. (Does that make me modern?!) 🤔

Indeed, life is filled with hierarchies.

We are put into categories often, but, is it accurate?

Probs not.

Hmmmm, maybe I am a rebel?


I'm going to go with: open minded.

(Am I allowed to self label? Isn't that a little self absorbed of me?) 🤷‍♀️

Thought over...

I was told I must read Distinction.

I've never heard of this book, nor this author.

Shorry Bourdieu.

When I saw the fine print: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, it instantly made me 😡. It seemed rather strongly worded to have an entire book on the critique of the judgement of taste.

1: Who's taste

2: Why?

3: Who cares?

4: WHY! Why do I HAVE TO read this?

Things quickly went further downhill when I understood this very thick book (which of course I read from cover to cover) talked about hierarchies. 😳

No, I didn't enjoy it.

Though I will be referencing Bourdieu's framework heavily.


Switching gears.

Why am I writing about this if I had such a hard time with it?

Because my studio practice is heavily based on the history and value of space.

Bourdieu states that function is for the working class and that the working class can only put the "functional" lens on because of their class...

So I wondered: 😯 💭 what would he think of my studio as I comment on the function of space and how we in turn function within them?

Definitely working class...

Me that is.


My studio practice.

The thing is, I believe that art is interpretational.

I, as an artist, have zero control over how someone will interact with my piece.

Quite frankly, why would I want to have control as that's too manipulated for the type of work I make.

Don't get me wrong, some works require for the entire environment to be controlled.

My work isn't that.

This is why I love public art.

Because the control freak in me has to give up.

On top of that, I also believe that we are guided my the creative genius.

Which, as a matter, of fact has nothing to do with me internally.

It's an external guidance guiding me to create.


So my question is: If I believe that we are guided by the spirit of creation or by external geniuses, surely therefore, this demolishes the labels and hierarchies posed by Bourdieu?

In Conclusion: What would Bourdieu think?

Not highly. I'm afraid.

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